Awards This Site Has Received!

Displayed In great Honor.

connie's Special Site Award Your site is definately worthy of my "Special Award" and it gives me great pleasure to give it to you....Your sight is fantastic. Thank you Connie.
Recieved on November 1, 1998.

TimberWolf's Patriotic Award Congrats, Bill! You have made an honorable tribute to our POW/MIA's. I am proud to announce that you are awarded the TimberWolf's Patriotic Award! Thank you TimberWolf.
Recieved on October 30, 1998.

Heroes Award On behalf of Mouse's Corner I would like to present you with this award for a truly great page. Keep up the good work and may we work together until all our brothers are home.......Once again. Great job on your page. Thank you Francis Peters.
Recieved on October 27, 1998.

Patriotic Award Thank you Lady Jen.

POW-MIA Award Thank you John P. Lorf.

Liberity's Patriot Award Thank you Larry J. Brugh.

Liberity's Torch Award Thank you Larry J. Brugh.

Remembrance Award Bill, reviewed your POW/MIA site and was very impressed. Thanks for all your effort, time and concern for our missing. It is with pleasure the Operation Just Cause Staff presents you with the Remembrance Award. Jim.


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This page last updated on April 9, 2000